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Overcome by faith in a hostile world. Be a sharp arrow and a pointed message for our generation.

1 John 5:4, Isaiah 49:2, Psalms 127:4

Our missions and strategies are articulated around 5 arrows or pillars representing the 5 arrows in the hands of God, Misions&Churches Prayers Family Business Media

BOW Movement sends out missionaries and establishes churches that focus on faith in Jesus Christ and his word, enabling total victory in all aspects of life.

The Bible, in the book of John 20:21, encourages us to follow Jesus’ example as messengers of God, carrying a sharp word like an arrow to the nations.

Therefore, BOW Movement sends out missionaries to establish churches that bring men and women together around faith in Jesus Christ and his word, enabling them to live victorious lives in their environment. Faith is the wealth and tool that enables people to live in victory in their daily lives.

BOW Movement also helps existing churches and congregations to send out missionaries and establish new churches under their responsibility. This strategy aims to cover every corner of the world that has not yet been sufficiently touched by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We create, begin, launch, produce, and call things into existence through our words, prayers, and prophetic words. (Genesis 1:3)

We BOW our knees to create and change things in our generation.

The Word is the “raw material,” the instrument, the technology with which God creates all things. It is always through it that God calls into existence things that do not yet exist. Prayer is the ultimate means of expressing the faith we have in God and in His word.

The prophetic word, on the other hand, is the means of creating, launching, inventing, or calling things into existence that do not yet exist. It is a word inspired by God in particular circumstances so that, through it, things that do not yet exist may come into existence.

« For she said, If I can only touch his clothes, I will be healed. At that very moment the loss of blood stopped, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her ailment. » Mark 5: 28 – 29

Our words are like sharp arrows that never miss their target.

BOW movement organizes a system of creation and production prayers to enable Christians not only to create, begin, launch, or call into existence through words (prayers), but also to accompany their works, missionary activities, churches, enterprises, and businesses through prayers (words).

« All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being. » John 1: 3

“Then God said, ‘Let there be light!’ Genesis 1:3

« It is by Faith that we recognize that the world was formed by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made of visible things. » Hebrew 11: 3

The family is God’s strategy for affecting and changing society, the world, and nations on earth in our generation. Genesis 12:3.

Making family the key and starting point for evangelism and all desired change in the world. Although it is a target of the enemy, the family is God’s powerful strategy for the transformation and deliverance of nations. Therefore, it must be the power (arrow) of our society in terms of education, faith, and fear of God. It is also the key and source of blessing for nations.

“For this reason, I BOW my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named,” Ephesians 3:14-15

“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” Genesis 12:3

” I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” Genesis 22:17-18

The family is an important strategy of God for the transformation and blessing of nations. As such, it must be valued and strengthened as the driving force of our society.

BOW MOVEMENT aims to equip and encourage Christians to apply the principles of wealth and talent multiplication in order to achieve financial independence and support evangelism and missions. This movement also encourages Christians to engage in entrepreneurship, following the examples of “Jacob the entrepreneur” and “Joseph the manager,” as a strategy for ensuring financial autonomy and independence.

Without wealth multiplication, families, churches, and societies lack the resources necessary to achieve their missions and visions on earth. BOW MOVEMENT teaches and equips with divine principles that help create wealth, develop entrepreneurship for provision, and support financially evangelism, missions, and church planting.

The multiplication of wealth is essential to support the missions and visions of families, churches and societies. BOW teaches divine principles to help create wealth and develop entrepreneurship, for a financial provision that can support evangelism, missions, and church foundation.

The Bible emphasizes the importance of working for one’s own family while being blessed to help others.

“Jacob said to him, “You yourself know how I have served you, and how your livestock has fared with me. For you had little before I came, and it has increased abundantly, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I turned. But now when shall I provide for my own household also?” Genesis 30:29-30

To powerfully convey the message of faith in Jesus Christ and his word through the media to reach the most remote and inaccessible communities by other means.

Our message of faith in Jesus Christ is a sharp arrow in the air and the airwaves. 

Our message of faith in Jesus Christ is a sharp arrow in the air and the airwaves. 

We believe that our words are like sharp arrows sent into the air and into the airwaves of the world, thanks to the use of media, they become even more powerful to reach the most insensitive hearts.

“The message that he gave me to speak was like a sharp sword. He kept me safe in his hand. He made me like a sharp arrow that he keeps safe and ready to use.” Isaiah 49:2

Through the media, we spread the message of faith in Jesus Christ that guarantees victory in all areas and in all corners of the world. Nothing can stop speech like a sharp sword released on the media and social networks.

No one will believe it if they haven’t heard of this message.


BOW Movement aims to help men and women triumph in all areas of life, through their source God, and through faith in his son Jesus Christ, even in a hostile world.

BOW is like a BOW in the hands of God, used to launch sharp arrows and striking messages that we are for our generation.”

Faith is the foundation and cornerstone of our victory, enabling us to triumph in our personal life, family, and society. It also acts as a shield, protecting us from the forces of the world and our enemies. The heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11:1-40 testify that every person can overcome in every aspect of life, for all things are is possible for the one who believes. Mark 9:23

Thus, no domain can be excluded from faith.


Keeping Our Movement

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Souls Saved
Families Helped
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Supported Churches
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BOW Movement aims to help men and women triumph in all areas of life, through their source God, and through faith in his son Jesus Christ, even in a hostile world.

BOW is like a BOW in the hands of God, used to launch sharp arrows and striking messages that we are for our generation.”

Faith is the foundation and cornerstone of our victory, enabling us to triumph in our personal life, family, and society. It also acts as a shield, protecting us from the forces of the world and our enemies. The heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11:1-40 testify that every person can overcome in every aspect of life, for all things are is possible for the one who believes. Mark 9:23

Thus, no domain can be excluded from faith.


    1. Faith is gold.
    2. Faith is like the currency used for transactions between the invisible and visible things.
    3. Faith and victory are inseparable.
    4. We are sharpened arrows in the quiver of the Warrior, the Lord God of Hosts, in the end times.
    5. We are both messengers and pointed messages to our generation.
    6. BOW MOVEMENT launches sharp arrows into the world.
    7. At BOW, we BOW our knees before our King.
    8. BOW MOVEMENT, as a weapon, is a BOW that sends arrows (sharp messages of faith) to the nations.
    9. Our message of faith in Jesus Christ is a sharp arrow in the airwaves.
    10. Without the multiplication of talents and resources or investment, we are deprived of resources for our destinies, our churches, our missions, and our families.
  1. Nous croyons en un seul Dieu qui se manifeste en trois personnes : le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit.
  2. Nous croyons en Jésus Christ comme le seul Sauveur et Seigneur de l’humanité, en qui nous trouvons le pardon de nos péchés et la vie éternelle. Jésus s’est manifesté en tant que Dieu et homme, et a été conçu par la vertu du Saint-Esprit dans le sein de la Vierge Marie.
  3. Nous croyons que Jésus Christ a vécu sans péché, mais qu’il a porté nos péchés sur lui-même pour nous offrir le pardon. Il est mort sur la croix, est ressuscité le troisième jour et est monté au ciel, où il siège à la droite du Père en tant que notre Grand Prêtre, médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes et avocat.
  4. Nous croyons que la Bible est la Parole de Dieu, inspirée pour nous enseigner, convaincre, corriger et instruire dans la justice.
  5. Nous croyons que nous sommes sauvés par la grâce au moyen de la foi en Jésus Christ, et que toute personne qui confesse que Jésus Christ est Seigneur et croit que Dieu l’a ressuscité des morts est sauvée.
  6. Nous croyons au Saint-Esprit, qui nous console, nous enseigne et nous révèle Christ. Il nous donne des dons spirituels et nous équipe de grâces extraordinaires pour servir et glorifier Jésus Christ.
  7. Nous croyons que Jésus Christ est le même hier, aujourd’hui et éternellement. Il accomplit encore des miracles et même plus encore aujourd’hui.
  8. Nous croyons que notre foi en Jésus Christ nous donne la victoire dans tous les domaines de la vie et nous permet de triompher dans le monde actuel.
  9. Nous croyons que, en tant qu’hommes et femmes créés à l’image de Dieu, nous pouvons manifester la puissance créatrice par la parole et la prière.
  10. Nous croyons que notre foi en Jésus Christ fait de nous des vainqueurs et des conquérants dans tous les domaines de la vie sur terre.
  11. Nous croyons que Jésus Christ revient bientôt pour chercher son Église, et nous nous préparons à sa venue.
  12. Nous croyons au baptême d’eau et au baptême du Saint-Esprit.